
The Burdekin Association youth services

10 reasons why young people are awesome

We are all about the awesomeness of young people and while we try to remind you now and then of this fact, we thought a whole blog dedicated to what we think about young people is a great idea. Unfortunately...
Volunteer with young people

Volunteer Week and 3 Years of our Volunteer Program

Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering and will be held on 15 – 21 May 2023. The week also means the Burdekin Volunteer Program turns three! This year the theme for Volunteers Week is The Change Makers....
Copy of Teens are awesome(6)

What it takes to be a Youth Worker

Being a Youth Worker is believing you can, and wanting to, make a difference in the lives of young people. Youth Workers are often those who have always been aware of others and the world around them and want to...
Burdekin Spring Garden

Spring Garden Project

Introducing you to the Spring Garden Project – a wonderful project undertaken by The Burdekin Association and Oceanic Landscapes, and funded by The Northern Sydney Primary Health Network’s (PHN) Natural Disaster and Extreme Weather Program. https://vimeo.com/764754274 Background Burdekin’s Youth Housing...
Important life skills for adulting

Life skills for young people

As young people navigate and survive the challenges of growing up - their everyday life skills are so important. More young people today are taking a little longer to grow up than in past generations with mixed success. It’s a...