Child safety commitment

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Our commitment to child safety

Burdekin is committed to upholding the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. Burdekin ensures all its staff are informed and supported to meet their duties to report any child abuse they encounter. Burdekin also ensures the children and young people who we provide direct care to are aware and supported to report any abuse they experience.

Burdekin has a zero tolerance for child abuse, takes every such allegation seriously, and seeks to eradicate these behaviours through diligent and consistent responses.

Burdekin is committed to upholding the rights of all children and young people. Burdekin recognises we have additional responsibilities to the children and young people who we provide direct care to inform, listen and empower them to fully exercise their rights.

Burdekin is committed to assist children and young people to reach their potential, which means adapting our work to fit their individual uniqueness and the diverse communities they belong to.

Child Safety Commitment

Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership and governance and culture.

Child Safety Commitment

People working with children are suitable and supported.

Child Safety Commitment

Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

Child Safety Commitment

Staff are equipped with the knowledge, awareness and skills to keep children safe through continual education and training.

Child Safety Commitment

Families and communities are informed and involved.

Child Safety Commitment

Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved.


Responses to complaints of child abuse are child focused.

Child Safety Commitment

Physical/online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur.

Child Safety Commitment

Policies and procedures document how the organisation is child safe.

Child Safety Commitment

Equity is upheld and diversity is taken into account.