
B A GameChanger Peer Education Workshop, gaming and gambling

B A GameChanger – Gaming & Gambling

We are thrilled to announce that Year 10 students from Balgowlah Boys High School recently joined The Burdekin Association's B A GameChanger Peer Education Program focused on gaming and gambling. Our comprehensive full-day training workshop provided students with crucial insights...
Avalon Youth Hub staff and young people

Expanding opportunities for Avalon Youth Hub

Exciting news has emerged for young people and their families on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, as Northern Beaches Council has endorsed a significant development for Avalon Youth Hub! The former Avalon Customer Contact Centre will now be offered to...
Education Specialist, Rae Usman, at The Burdekin Association's Learning Space

Meet Rae, our Education Specialist…

Rae Usman is a one-of-a kind. A qualified teacher, she also has extensive experience in the recruitment industry, where she provided careers guidance and resumé building opportunities. The combination of these skills has meant that she is able to comprehensively...
Boy seeking help while learning on a computer. An Education Specialist with The Burdekin Association could help him.

The difference education makes…

"One in every five children in Australia are not completing their full 13 years of basic education," stated the ABC News on Tuesday February 6, reporting on the Productivity Commission's 2024 Report on Government Services. "The dropout rate of students...
Teenage challenges - parent support

Challenges facing young people – school

In the Mission Australia Youth Survey of 2022 young people reported their biggest personal challenges in the past year, what they found helpful in dealing with that challenge and what more could be done to help them address their challenge....