Foster Carer NSW - The Burdekin Association

The best ever EoFY fundraiser when our young people need to most.

Thank you to everyone who supported our end-of-financial-year tax campaign, it is very much appreciated.

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our young people became unemployed. Our goal was to raise money to support their living expenses during this time.

We raised $32,500

Due to your generosity, we managed to raise over $32,500. This figure includes the very generous contribution of $10,000 from Our Patron Professor Brian Burdekin AO. We would like to say a special thank you to Prof. Burdekin for his continued support.

Where the money goes

Your donation goes towards ensuring that every young person has access to the internet, computers, clothing, shoes, training needs, textbooks and other items, without which our young people would face significant barriers to education and employment.

Furthermore, we understand that 2020 has been a challenging time for many so we are especially grateful this year. Thank you!

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