youth homelessness

Home Stretch Make it 21 Campaign Update
The Home Stretch advocacy began in 2016 when 160 organisations joined forces to lobby for significant reforms for young people in out-of-home care. At the end of 2022 the NSW government announced universal extended care to 21 years for young...

End of Financial Year Campaign 2023
Our end of financial year campaign is asking everybody to get behind us to raise funds for the continued employment of our Education Specialists. We are delighted that even when times are tough, our supporters show up again and again!...

Causes of youth homelessness – family breakdown
Family breakdown is one of the leading causes of youth homelessness in Australia today. According to AIHW, in 2020–21, around 41,700 people aged 15–24 presented alone to SHS agencies, accounting for 15% of all SHS clients. The main reasons these...