youth homelessness

Professor Brian Burdekin

Professor Brian Burdekin on ABC Radio National

Click here to listen to the radio interview. The Burdekin Association's Patron and Australia’s first Federal Human Rights Commissioner, Professor Brian Burdekin AO spent over 30 years advocating for the needs of children - those with disabilities and mental illness....
Marrickville selfie 4 (1200 × 500 px) (1200 × 300 px)

On the move!

We're excited to report that The Burdekin Association has officially moved its Inner West team into our new premises in Marrickville! The new spaces bring opportunities for children, young people and our team of staff to connect, create (especially in...
The Burdekin Association, Newsletter Image, Homelessness

What to do? Homelessness Conference offers solutions

Did you know? The number of young Australians identified as homeless increased by 2,500 to 46,000 between 2016 and 2021 (Australian Census data).  This was a key finding of the National Children and Youth Homelessness Conference that was held late...
The Burdekin Association - prevention and early intervention

Causes of youth homelessness – mental health

There are many causes of youth homelessness including family breakdown and bereavement. The top three causes of youth homelessness are generally considered to be: Family and domestic violence Housing crisis Relationship/family breakdown There are multiple others causes which are often...
It’s time to end homelessness

National Homelessness Week 2023

It's time again for National Homelessness Week, the annual event to raise awareness of homelessness in Australia. This year it is held from Monday 7th to Sunday 13th August with the theme - 'It's time to end homelessness'… We couldn't...