young people

Justene Gordon, Graham Bargwanna and Emelia Weaver of The Burdekin Association at the 2023 Annual Northern Beaches Breakfast Fundraiser

Community Matters

We are always saying how much our community matters to us, especially at Christmas - because we mean it. The Burdekin Association can honestly do so much, because of you. We'd like to shout out a big thank you to...
Stanmore House, a property to be renovated using the FutureSteps grant program.

We’ve been awarded a FutureSteps Grant!

The Burdekin Association is excited to reveal that we are the recipient of a FutureSteps Grant of $89,000 to be spent on renovating one of the houses we manage for young people transitioning from out of home care to semi-independent living...
Foster Care and Kinship Week 2023

Foster Care and Kinship Week 2023

"More than 100 vulnerable children and young people are living in alternative emergency housing, such as hotels and motels, as the child protection system faces a dire shortage of Foster Carers," reported Amber Schultz in The Sun Herald on September...
Professor Brian Burdekin

Professor Brian Burdekin on ABC Radio National

Click here to listen to the radio interview. The Burdekin Association's Patron and Australia’s first Federal Human Rights Commissioner, Professor Brian Burdekin AO spent over 30 years advocating for the needs of children - those with disabilities and mental illness....
The Burdekin Association - prevention and early intervention

Causes of youth homelessness – mental health

There are many causes of youth homelessness including family breakdown and bereavement. The top three causes of youth homelessness are generally considered to be: Family and domestic violence Housing crisis Relationship/family breakdown There are multiple others causes which are often...