
Christmas Blog Post Header for web site

Christmas Appeal 2023

As we approach the festive season, we launch our appeal for annual donations for our children and young people. Christmas can be a challenging time with its huge emphasis on the family unit. This can have an unintended side effect...
Marrickville selfie 4 (1200 × 500 px) (1200 × 300 px)

On the move!

We're excited to report that The Burdekin Association has officially moved its Inner West team into our new premises in Marrickville! The new spaces bring opportunities for children, young people and our team of staff to connect, create (especially in...
The Burdekin Association OOHC Project

Community in action

We have the BEST community around us and it shows! Last week Burdekin and a number of our Manly fans were invited to attend the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles URM community round game day at 4 Pines Park in Brookvale...
Volunteer with young people

Volunteer Week and 3 Years of our Volunteer Program

Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering and will be held on 15 – 21 May 2023. The week also means the Burdekin Volunteer Program turns three! This year the theme for Volunteers Week is The Change Makers....
Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2023 sign the petition

Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2023

Youth Homelessness Matters Day (YHMD) takes place on Wednesday 19th April and was conceived in 1990 to raise awareness and public discussion about child and youth homelessness. Over the years, it has grown into a national celebration of young people’s...