
Christmas Appeal 2024
During the festive season, we launch our Christmas Appeal for annual donations for our children and young people. Christmas can be a challenging time with its huge emphasis on the family unit. This can have an unintended side effect on...

Launch of Beaches Youth Hub in Avalon…
The newly renamed ‘Beaches Youth Hub’, formerly Avalon Youth Hub, was launched in its new space at the Avalon Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach last month, on September 18, 2024. In May this year, Northern Beaches Council endorsed...

Launch of Homelessness Week
It's Homelessness Week 2024. The Hon. Clare O'Neill launched Homelessness Week this week for Homelessness Australia, the national peak body for homelessness in Australia. She emphasised the significance of her new role, as Federal Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness....

Homelessness Week
It's Homelessness Week - August 5 - 11, 2024. It's a crucial platform for raising awareness about the causes and impacts of homelessness. The statistics surrounding homelessness in Australia highlight the urgent need for both community action and government intervention....

People’s Commission into Homelessness
Have you heard of Everybody's Home? It's a national campaign that's aimed at fixing the housing crisis in Australia. It's organised on behalf of homelessness and welfare organisations, including: National Shelter, Mission Australia, Shelter NSW, Tenants Union of NSW and...