
Education Specialist, Rae Usman, at The Burdekin Association's Learning Space

Meet Rae, our Education Specialist…

Rae Usman is a one-of-a kind. A qualified teacher, she also has extensive experience in the recruitment industry, where she provided careers guidance and resumé building opportunities. The combination of these skills has meant that she is able to comprehensively...
Boy seeking help while learning on a computer. An Education Specialist with The Burdekin Association could help him.

The difference education makes…

"One in every five children in Australia are not completing their full 13 years of basic education," stated the ABC News on Tuesday February 6, reporting on the Productivity Commission's 2024 Report on Government Services. "The dropout rate of students...
An empty wallet

Financial distress in Australian households

Do you feel your finances are stretched more than ever? You’re not alone. Many of us are noticing that we're trying to stretch our finances further than ever before. With living costs on the climb, it's an everyday reality that’s...
Alcohol Education Workshop held by The Burdekin Association as part of the Canada Bay Library Project

Alcohol Education Workshop proves a hit with students!

The Burdekin Association recently conducted an Alcohol Education Workshop as part of the Canada Bay Youth Space Project, in collaboration with Concord High School. Thirty Year 9 students actively participated in these informative sessions. Throughout the workshops, Year 9 students...
Teenager gaming

Gambling, gaming and young people

After two years of dedicated effort and success, we are excited to report that we have acquired funding for the extension of The Dee Why Project for an additional three years. The Dee Why Project is generously funded by the...