Foster Carer NSW - The Burdekin Association

Volunteers Week 2021

It was a busy Volunteers Week 2021 for Burdekin!

Our Inner West Volunteer Co-ordinator Renee, our Northern Beaches Volunteer Co-ordinator Kerri and Kim , our overall Volunteer Coordinator participated in a thank you activity – National Volunteers Week (NVW) Cultural & Bush Tucker Walk 2021.

The theme of this years NVW was Recognise, Reconnect, Reimagine and as a way of saying thank you, STARS invited volunteers to either a morning or afternoon guided walk on the Cooks River. Darug Dharawal man and respected horticulturalist Terry Lennis guided the walk. Lunch was provided by Café Green House at Gough Whitlam Park.

Our Volunteers Celebrated National Volunteers Week
Volunteer Co-ordinators Renee and Kim celebrating National Volunteers Week 2021

Burdekin celebrated NVW for the first time, having launched our Volunteer Program during NVW 2020 this is really a special time to us. Our volunteer team celebrated and bonded over a meal and, of course, received certificates of appreciation.

Burdekin’s Mrs Jill Wrathall presenting volunteer Anna with a certificate of appreciation.

If you would like to know more about our Volunteer Program you can take a look at our dedicated pages:

Volunteer With Burdekin

Burdekin Skilled Volunteers

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