We know there is light approaching at the end of the tunnel, however it is important to keep positive throughout the weeks ahead until the end. Also, we don’t know what life after lockdown will look like, self-isolation will most likely remain in place for people who are infectious with COVID-19. We want you to stay happy and healthy and, to assist with health and well-being and maintaining a positive mindset, have collated the tips below! Do you have tips you want to share? Get in touch with us!!!
This article is part of our stay healthy and well during Covid-19 series. You can view the other posts in the series here:
Covid-19 Health, Safety and Well-being Resources
Sleep – Our Best Kept Health Secret
Resources – Things to do in Isolation

Self–isolation is when you do not leave your home because you have or might have coronavirus and are waiting for a test result. Remind yourself that this is temporary.

Coping with isolation in the COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly a challenge. But there are steps you can take to manage your well-being. Here are some.

Taking care of your mind – as well as your body – can help to limit loss of purpose and increase your motivation.

It might be tempting not to bother with a routine, e.g. to skip getting dressed, BUT a routine helps to reduce stress and to manage anxiety. It will also give you a sense of purpose.

The only thing you can control is your own behaviour and how you react to a situation. With that in mind, exercise self-care, kindness and compassion.

Writing things down can help us to process feelings. Putting things into perspective make us more self-aware and improves negative mindsets.

Make a list of things you could or would like to do, lists help with productivity and motivation. Celebrate completing your small (or big) projects and achievements!
In an emergency call: 000
Lifeline – 13 11 14
Kids Help Line (5–25 years) – 1800 55 1800
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue – 1800 512 348
MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978
SANE Australia – 1800 18 7263