
Community support for Burdekin

The Easter Bunny visited Burdekin

Where would we be without our supportive community sometimes appearing in the form of the Easter Bunny dropping off bags full of easter eggs. Our young people were thrilled to bits and we were over the moon by the generosity...
NSW Youth Week 2021 Skate Jam Mona Vale Skate Park

NSW Youth Week 2021

The Avalon Youth Hub in collaboration with Northern Beaches Council, Kalof and Totem Skateboarding hosted Best Trick Skate Jam at Mona Vale Skate Park for the NSW Youth Week 2021! The free event aimed at those 10 and over and...
The Burdekin Association Youth Accommodation and Support Services

World Homelessness Day 2020

10 October 2020 marks World Homelessness Day and World Mental Health Day/Week and we have Anti-Poverty Week in October too. All of these issues are interrelated and need to be addressed holistically. There are strong links between homelessness, inadequate education,...