Leave a bequest

Consider a charitable gift in your will, and change lives!

Foster Carer NSW - Burdekin

home > Leave a bequest, consider a charitable gift

A bequest is the gift of a future

Do you believe, like us, that all children and young people deserve to live in a safe, supportive environment? If so, you may have considered leaving a charitable gift to Burdekin in your will.

After you have provided for your family and loved ones, leaving a bequest help to build a better future for children and young people struggling with homelessness.

Charitable bequests
How to Become a Foster Parent. Fostering a child NSW

Thinking outside the box

Charitable gifts as a fundraising source allows charities such as ours to ask donors to consider leaving a bequest in their will - it's free, it's quick, it's relatively easy and it won't cost you anything now but your donation will have an impact on future generations - what's not to love?

The power of a legacy

Leaving Burdekin a charitable gift in your will can help us plan for the future and respond with resilience to changes in circumstances or unforeseen challenges.

We are funded to provide children and young people the core requirements such as shelter, food, clothing, pocket money, phone credit etc. and we require additional funding to provide a range of targeted support, designed to guide young people to fully functional adulthood, and to overcome the challenges and disadvantages they have experienced. Your support closes the gap in opportunity so that our children and young people can positively contribute to their community and economy.

A charitable gift in your will could change a life, ensuring that education, employment, healthcare and housing remain accessible regardless of circumstances. If there is a particular area of our work that you are passionate about, we would be delighted to discuss how your legacy gift can create a long-lasting and powerful impact.

A charitable gift in your will helps us to:

  • Tackle youth homelessness.
  • Build a better future for children and young people.
  • Provide support beyond their basic needs.
  • Create a lasting solution.
  • Make the world a fairer place in which to live.
  • Enable your support to live on.

Why a charitable bequest to young people?

  • Around 38,300 Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) clients (or 14% of all clients) in 2022-2023 were young people presenting alone.
  • Living alone was the most common living arrangement - 15,882.
  • The rate of young people presenting alone receiving SHS support was 14.7 per 10,000 nationally in 2022-23.
  • 73% of young people presenting alone were not enrolled in any form of education or training at the start of the support.
  • 3 in 5 (61%) had previously been assisted by a SHS agency at some point since July 2011.
  • Nationally, approximately 46,200 children were in out-of-home care at 30 June 2021 – a rate of 8 per 1,000 children.
  • In NSW approximately 15,895 children were in out-of-home care at a rate of 8.9 per 1,000 children.
  • In 2020–21, about 4,500 Indigenous children were admitted to out-of-home care at a rate of 13 per 1,000 Indigenous children.


Why give your charitable gift to Burdekin?

One of the reasons we have been successfully providing homelessness support services to young people since 1987 is our ability to provide additional support services outside our core program, which include intervention, outreach and prevention.

We directly support children, young people, their families and the community with the aim of preventing homelessness through intervention strategies that look to address the key risk factors that can result in homelessness, such as family breakdown, disengagement from education, mental illness and drug and alcohol abuse.

Volunteering Work Sydney - Burdekin


Fostering a child Sydney

Why legacy giving?

Online will-writing platforms such as our partner Gathered Here have grown from having just 80 wills written and one gift pledged in it's first week of operation in late 2020 to almost 40,000 wills written via their platform and an estimated $460 million pledged to date.

This increase was in part due to the pandemic and the restrictions of lockdowns coupled with the consideration of our own mortality. Post-pandemic donor demographics have changed and online will-writing makes it much easier and affordable for people to make a will and support a cause they care about – hopefully Burdekin!

Increasingly, we are faced with the challenge of doing more with less as the cost-of-living crisis significantly impacts the amount and frequency of donor giving – people can’t give what they don’t have. Additionally, we are faced with the escalating needs of those accessing our service – again due to the cost-of-living crisis.

Create a will with our partner Gathered Here

We invite you to create a FREE will with our partner Gathered Here, with no obligation to leave a charitable gift. However, if you are considering leaving a bequest to Burdekin, we will gladly accept and thank you on behalf of the children and young people we support. There are generally three options to choose from:

  • A residual gift - a percentage of your remaining estate.
  • A pecuniary gift - a fixed sum of money.
  • A specified gift - an asset or shares.

If you have already made a bequest please let us know! We would love to hear about it and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Leave a Bequest

How to leave a bequest in your will

Your solicitor will have the most up-to-date advice. For bequests we suggest including the following clause in your will:

“I BEQUEATH to Burdekin Inc. (ABN 98 571 551 434) of Suites 6 & 7, 2 Victor Road, Brookvale, NSW 2100, Australia, for the general purpose of Burdekin [insert here the sum of the bequest or a statement defining the bequest] free of all duties and taxes payable at my death AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of Burdekin shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustee(s).”

How to Become a Foster Parent. Fostering a child NSW

Burdekin bequest - FAQ

Contact us for help

For more information on Burdekin prior to deciding, or for those with further questions about leaving bequests, please reach out to us.

Contact us for help

For more information on Burdekin prior to deciding, or for those with further questions about leaving bequests, please reach out to us.

Volunteering Work Sydney - Burdekin

Stronger, better, and more capable – together.

Fostering a child Sydney