We love nothing better than a good Aussie barbecue and the timeless sausage sanga! Unless, of course, you are vegetarian or vegan, in which case you’ll enjoy vegan sausages.
Why not make it a block party and invite the whole neighbourhood, make it a celebration of food, culture and community? Even bring your own twist to the classic snag and celebrate diversity and culinary traditions in your community!
A block party BBQ is great way to bring people together, while raising money and awareness for a cause that is close to your heart – such as youth homelessness.

Planning your BBQ
Planning a community Block party BBQ takes a little planning, but not much! Consider hosting your event at a particular time of year:
- Your very own birthday fundraiser
- A summer BBQ
- A public holiday BBQ
- Grand Final Day
- Harmony Day
- Youth Homelessness Matters Day
- Welcoming new neighbours to the area
- Another day of significance for you
- A Bunnings Sausage Sizzle – a 25 year institution! Bunnings in the community.
Where should you host your BBQ?
- Park, beach, street – public spaces, just check with your local council to see if you need a permit!
- Your local farmers market, school fete or sports club event.

Spread the word
You might have access to a WhatsApp group for people in your community – let them know about your event! Spread the word via friends, family, neighbours and ask any groups that you are involved with – school, a sports club, a community club, RSL and your employer to share your fundraiser – they might even support the event in some way.
Share the event on your socials, ask your local radio and/or paper for a free advertisement slot. If you use social media, please tag us so we are aware of your posts and can share them if appropriate.
Woolies and Coles grants
Your local Woolworths and Coles stores offer community grants and the money could help you to buy everything you need for your BBQ! Coles Community Support Applications and Woolworths Community Contributions could be of help.

Go extra
If you love organising these sorts of events, you might like to contact any businesses in your area to help and people generally do like to help if they know that it’s for a good cause, especially if they can get a shout out for it too! You could organise a raffle at the BBQ too.
Employer involvement
Don’t be afraid to ask your employer to assist – most organisations today do want to be involved in corporate fundraising for a number of reasons:
- Good publicity
- Morale boosting
- Social responsibility
Corporate fundraising is a great way for organisations to show that they are committed to the community and to causes that matter – some employers will eagerly back you and some will even seek to get involved themselves and pay for volunteer days. Ask your employer about payroll giving and dollar matching!