Gift cards for teens in care
Help fulfil our young people’s wishes

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buy gift cards for teens in care
Our children and young people need us to meet not only their basic needs, but to create memories of normal experiences of childhood we all take for granted. Like the simple joy of receiving a birthday gift. They need to feel seen, heard and valued. They need to feel loved. It is a sad reality that disadvantaged teenagers are often overlooked when it comes to gift-giving.
At Burdekin, we want to show the young people we work with that they are valued, and that someone is thinking of them.
Put a smile on a young person’s face by fulfilling one of their wishes. Select a wish from the list below and donate the value as a gift card or in cash.
What to give to tweens and teens in care?
Gifting can be a tricky task – especially for those hard to read teenagers, and so we have a few ideas for you to choose from and we will match a gift to a young person for you.
Gifts are very personal and arguably should be something that shows we have taken the time to think about what the young person enjoys. We have worked with our team of Youth Workers and Case Managers who go to great lengths to know our young people, what they’re ‘into’ and what gift they are hoping for, and we have created a ‘wish list’ for you.
Wishes include education support, Internet access, swimming lessons, course fees, driving lessons, crisis support and so much more.

Burdekin wishing tree
Our wishing tree makes it easy for you to choose a gift a young person will love.
Below are some of our young persons’ gift wishes that you can select from.
Every young person should feel valued
We believe every child and young person matters, should feel safe and supported and should have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
We believe that all children and young people with the right support will not only survive but thrive, especially when we go beyond supporting their basic needs and add a touch of love.

Challenging times for teens without families
Most young people just want to hang out with friends, have fun and enjoy life. They go to school, do homework, sit exams and have the usual adolescent pressures all the while being supported by their family.
This is not the case for the young people we work with. They are also trying to build a life for themselves, but don’t have an extended support network and safe home environment to lean on. They need to learn fast to be self-sufficient with limited family and financial support.
Christmas, birthdays, other occasions. and accomplishments can be challenging due to their natural emphasis on the family unit. This can have an unintended impact on people without a family who feel more alone and isolated than ever.
Keep them in mind
When you go shopping and buy a birthday gift for a loved one, perhaps you could consider purchasing gift cards for teens in our care?
Often these gifts are the only one the young person will receive.
Gift cards or cash donations will be used by our dedicated staff to fulfil the wishes of our young people on your behalf.

Keep them in mind
When you go shopping and buy a birthday gift for a loved one, perhaps you could consider purchasing gift cards for teens in our care?
Often these gifts are the only one the young person will receive.
Gift cards or cash donations will be used by our dedicated staff to fulfil the wishes of our young people on your behalf.

“I was stoked to be able to choose my own headphones with my gift card, thank you!”