Health & Wellbeing

When we lift others up it's good for us too!

Why giving back matters

If you’re reading this, you are most likely someone who already knows why giving back matters and you most likely share our concern about social issues, including youth homelessness, and may want to do something about it. It is easy...
The Burdekin Association - prevention and early intervention

Causes of youth homelessness – mental health

There are many causes of youth homelessness including family breakdown and bereavement. The top three causes of youth homelessness are generally considered to be: Family and domestic violence Housing crisis Relationship/family breakdown There are multiple others causes which are often...
The Burdekin Association youth homelessness services

Causes of youth homelessness – family breakdown

Family breakdown is one of the leading causes of youth homelessness in Australia today. According to AIHW, in 2020–21, around 41,700 people aged 15–24 presented alone to SHS agencies, accounting for 15% of all SHS clients. The main reasons these...
Teenage challenges - parent support

Challenges facing young people – school

In the Mission Australia Youth Survey of 2022 young people reported their biggest personal challenges in the past year, what they found helpful in dealing with that challenge and what more could be done to help them address their challenge....
The Burdekin Association youth services

10 reasons why young people are awesome

We are all about the awesomeness of young people and while we try to remind you now and then of this fact, we thought a whole blog dedicated to what we think about young people is a great idea. Unfortunately...